Digital Transformations:
Reading Games as (authorless) Literature

This research project, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, explored the ways in which gamer-students and teachers might work with the videogame L A Noire within the English Literature curriculum and respond to the digital transformation of what we think it means to ‘read’ in order to think differently about the function of books and the nature of textual authority in the digital age.

A Level and undergraduate students and their teachers worked collaboratively through a series of research activities: a gameplay blog, the production of study resources for the game, interviews and creative tasks.

Richard Berger is a member of the Arts and Humanities Research Council’s (AHRC) peer review college. He has trained new members of the PRC, and has convened many mock panels at training events. Since 2013, Richard has chaired AHRC panels, and has received four letters of commendation from Prof. Mark Llewellyn, Head of Research at the AHRC.