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Provided below are resources from the project to use in higher education learning. Please credit this source and the authors when you use it.

Statistical Observations from Format Rights Disputes Database
Glimpse of Format Rights Disputes Database (18 out of 59 disputes discussed).
Time-line of Format Rights Disputes.
The Exploitation of Idols: A case study (Kretschmer & Singh, 61pp)

The findings of the research are discussed in an Outlaw webradio interview with Kretschmer

TV winners, OUT-LAW Radio, 02/07/2009

We look at the success of the TV formats industry - all the more amazing because the ideas at its heart enjoy little legal protection. “While certain sectors of the creative industries remain obsessed with copyright law in the digital environment, television format developers have shown that alternatives can work. Formalizing know-how, localizing brands and shaping norms in social networks provide a powerful combination of exploitation strategies.”

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Please cite this resource as:
Kretschmer, M., Singh, S., and Wardle, J. (2009), The Exploitation of Television Formats, ESRC Digital Resource, Bournemouth University (