Allen, A & Court, S., 2009. ‘Leader Self Disclosure within PAL: A Case Study’. In: The Australasian Journal of Peer Learning, Vol. 2: Iss. 1, Article 1.
Berger, R, 2009. ‘Just Because You Can Tweet, It Doesn’t Mean You Should: Technological Determinism in Higher Education’. In: Clews, D, ed, Dialogues in Art & Design: Promoting and Sharing Excellence. Brighton: ADM – HEA/GLAD.
Berger, R, 2009. ‘Learning 2.0: Why adaptation is good for you’. The International Society of the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning Annual Conference. The University of Indiana, Bloomington.
Berger, R., 2009. ‘New Processes and Practices: adaptation as pedagogic tool in film studies’. Filmsense Conference, Institute of Art, Design and Technology. Dun Laoghaire.
Berger, R., 2009. ‘The State of the (pedagogical) Art’ – invited speaker at roundtable discussion. PCA/ACA Conference. New Orleans.
Berger, R., 2009. ‘Teaching New Dogs, Old Tricks: Adaptation, Blogging and Pedagogy’. PCA/ACA Conference. New Orleans US.
Berger, R (1st May 2008). ADM- HEA Knowledge Forum. Chaired two panels on the subject of 'Tools & Techniques'.
Court S and Molesworth M, (2008), Course-specific learning in Peer Assisted Learning schemes: a case study of creative media production courses, Research in Post-Compulsory Education, Vol 13, No 1, pp123-134
Heppell, S., 2009. Keynote. Limerick Regeneration Conference, Shannon, Ireland, 8th January.
Heppell, S., 2009. Exchange Session, Learning and Technology World Forum, 13th January.
Heppell, S., 2009. Keynote, Hampshire Headteachers Conference, Carey's Manor Hotel in Brockenhurst, New Forest, 22nd January.
Heppell, S., 2009. Keynote, Solihull LA Conference, St Johns Hotel, Solihull, 2nd February.
Heppell, S., 2009. Keynote, North Lincolnshire Council Conference, 5 February.
Heppell, S., 2009. Chair, BSEC 09, Manchester, 11-12th February.
Heppell, S., 2009. Keynote, Kingston Headteachers Conference, 12th March.
Heppell, S., 2009. Closing Keynote, NCSL Conference, Stratford, 13th March.
Heppell, S., 2009. Opening Keynote, NCSL Conference, Hammersmith, 26th March.
Heppell, S., 2009. Keynote. Welsh Higher Education E-Learning Conference, Cardiff, 2nd April.
Heppell, S., 2009. Keynote and Workshop. Apple Computer Inc. Leadership Summit, Hong Kong, 24-27th April.
Heppell, S., 2009. Keynote, SSAT Conference, Royal Victoria Holiday Inn Hotel, Sheffield, 8th May.
Heppell, S., 2009. Keynote. Manchester Headteachers Leadership Forum 21st May.
Heppell, S., 2009. Keynote. Bolton Council - ICT Exhibition & Conference, Mercure Last Drop Village Hotel & Spa, 30th June.
Heppell, S., 2009. Keynote, Leeds Conference for RM - The Race for New Learning, 2nd July.
Heppell, S., 2009. Keynote and Workshop, Redbridge ICT Conference, Switched on and networked for learning, 3rd July.
Heppell, S., 2009. Keynote, Kingswood Partnership e-Learning Conference, Pedagogical transformation and e-learning, 13th July.
Heppell, S., 2009. ‘Beyond the Great Crash: why learning should never be the same again’ Building Learning Communities 2009, Boston, 29-30th July.
Kimber,S (2009) ‘The Art of Controversy: Design, marketing & Henry: Portrait of a Serial killer’, Framing Film conference, Winchester Uni. (Sept. 2009)
Lin, T., 2009. ‘New Technology, New Pedagogy? A Culture Embedded Approach to the Role of New Media in Higher Education’. In: Clews, D, ed, Dialogues in Art & Design: Promoting and Sharing Excellence. Brighton: ADM – HEA/GLAD.
Moon, J & Fowler, J., 2008, ‘There is a story to be told: a framework for the conception of story in higher education and professional development’. In: Nurse Education Today.
Moon, J., 2008. Invited workshop on reflective learning IPED Conference, University of Coventry, September 8th /9th.
Moon, J., 2008. Workshop to all faculty on reflective learning. Kamamazoo College, Michigan, USA, September 15th.
Moon, J., 2008. Workshop on reflective learning at Madonna University, Detroit, Michigan, USA, September 16th.
Moon, J., 2008. Invited workshop on reflective learning. Canadian Coaching Association, Calgary.
Moon, J., 2008. Workshop on critical thinking. University of Ulster, Belfast. November 20-21st.
Moon, J., 2009. Achieving Success through Academic Assertiveness. London: Routledge.
Moon, J., 2009. Book(let) for ESCalate for publication on website and sale on ‘Making Groups Work: improving group work through the principles of academic assertiveness’: and hard copy
Moon, J., 2009. ‘The Use of Graduated Scenarios to Facilitate the Learning of Complex and Difficult-to- describe Concepts’. In: Art and Design in Higher Education, 8 (1). pp 57-70.
Moon, J., 2009. Invited workshop on critical thinking, University of Hull, Scarborough, January 13-14th.
Moon, J, & Readman M,. 2009. Invited workshop on rethinking creative assessment, Salford University, January 28 - 29th.
Moon, J., 2009. Invited workshop on critical thinking, Keele University, February 10th.
Moon, J., 2009. Invited workshops in association with Bologna initiatives, Budva, Montenegro, February 19 – 22nd.
Moon, J., 2009. Invited workshop on group work and academic assertiveness, Arts University College Bournemouth, February 24th.
Moon, J., 2009. Invited workshop on reflective learning, Arts University College Bournemouth, March 2nd.
Moon, J., 2009. Invited workshop on reflective learning, University of Derby, March 10-11th.
Moon, J., 2009. Invited workshops on working at Master’s level etc at Kopaonik, Serbia, March 13-19th.
Moon, J., 2009. ‘Academic assertiveness and groups’. Becoming Professional (Sceptre). The University of Surrey.
Moon, J., 2009. Inivtied workshops for senior and teaching staff (HE level international hotel school), Echole Hoteliere Lausanne, April 19-23rd.
Moon, J., 2009. Invited workshop on plagiarism, Christchurch University Coll Canterbury, April 24th.
Moon, J., 2009. Invited workshops on the role of story in HE and learning journals, Liverpool John Moores University, April 27th.
Moon, J., 2009. Invited presentation on role of story in HE at UWE (Business School), May 5th.
Moon, J., 2009. Invited workshop on critical thinking at University of Ulster (School of Education), May 7th.
Moon, J., 2009. Invited workshop on critical thinking, for Peninsula Medical School tutors, May 8th.
Moon, J., 2009. Invited workshops on reflection and groups and academic assertiveness, Teeside University, May 20th.
Moon, J., 2009. Invited workshop on critical thinking at Hull University, Scarborough, June 14th.
Moon, J., 2009. Invited workshop on reflective learning at Bishop Grossmette University College, Lincoln, June 16th.
M. Moleswoth & E. Nixon. (2008) Frustrated aspirations: discovering the limits of a virtual learning environment. Bamber, R. Trowler, P. & Saunders, M., (Eds). Teaching and Learning Enhancement in Higher Education: theory, cases, practices. Open University Press.
Moon, J (2007) ‘Getting the measure of reflection: considering matters of definition and depth’, J Radiotherapy in Practice 6, 1 – 10
Moon, J (2008) ‘Critical Thinking: an exploration in theory and practice. Routledge, London.
Moon, J with Fowler, J (2008) There is a story to be told. A framework for the conception of story in higher education and professional development’. Nurse Education Today 28 (2) pp232 - 9
*Moon, J (2008) Critical Thinking: an exploration of theory and practice, London, Routledge
*Moon, J (2008 - publication in December) Achieving Success through Academic Assertiveness: real life strategies for today’s students, London / New York,Routledge
Moon, J (Summer 2008) ‘Learner-centredness’ and the class of 130’ – ESCalate
Moon, J, (Sept 2008) Kalamazoo College, Michigan, USA College ‘beginning of the year’ convocation. Invited presenter (workshop on reflective learning) – a four-hour session for 80 staff.
Nixon E, Molesworth M (Sept 2007) Designs on E-learning, University of the Arts, How an open, online space failed to change the performances of Higher education
Nixon E, Molesworth M (Sept 2007) The Student as Producer, Warwick, September 2007, Frustrated aspirations: discovering the limits of a virtual learning environment.
Nixon E, Molesworth M & Scullion R. (2008) Having, Being and Higher Education: the marketisation of the university and the transformation of the student into consumer. Teaching in Higher Education.
Pope, J., 2009. ‘A user-friendly platform for the teaching and creation of interactive narrative’. The Media Education Summit, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool.
Pope, J., 2009. ‘The design and development of Genarrator at Bournemouth University’. In: Art, Design and Communication in Higher Education, Special Edition Issue 8.3.
Readman, M., 2009. Invited presentation Making Sense of Creativity at the National OCR Media Studies Conference, March 20th
T Daly, C & Wardle, J. The development of narrative methods for evaluating learner experiences in fully online masters courses for professional development. British Educational Research Association, Sept 2007
Wardle, J, 2008. ‘Box of Broadcasts’. The International Society of the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning Annual Conference. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Wardle, J., 2009. Invited presentation on New Media and Media Education at the The Challenge of New Media Conference at UWE, December 12th
Wardle, J., 2009. Invited workshop on Media Education and Online Learning at Glamorgan University, Feb 11th
Wardle, J., 2009. Invited presentation on Convergence and Media Education at the National OCR Media Studies Conference, March 20th
Wardle, J., 2009. ’14-19 Diploma in Creative and Media and Higher Education’. In: PoV The Media Education Association Journal, ISS 2, Article 2.
Wardle, J., 2009. Invited Presentation on the Importance of Embedding the Exploitation of Television Formats into the Curriculum, ESRC Seminar, Fremantle, June 16th
Wardle, J., 2009. Invited presentation on Media Education and CPD, Skillset, June 16th
Wardle, J, 2009. ‘The Philosophy of Media Education: Beliefs & Practices’. The International Society of the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning Annual Conference. The University of Indiana, Bloomington.
Wardle, J (Jan 2008) The Media Studies 2.0 Debate. National Association of Television Program Executives, Las Vegas
Wardle, J & Wensley, C (Sept 2008) Work-based learning and Employer Engagement. The Media Education Summit 2008