Call for papers

Contributions are invited from media educators in all sectors and contexts. There are three forms of presentation: full conference papers, poster presentations and MERJ conversations.

Poster Presentations

Research posters will be exhibited throughout the conference. These are ideal for presenting research in progress or research plans with a view to testing out ideas or gaining feedback.

We are now accepting proposals of no more than 200 words (excluding references). Your proposal should be double-space and in Arial font no less than size 12. Submissions can be made in either a Word document or in RTF format.

The proposal must include:

  • A title of no more than 15 words which provides useful pointers on the key topics to be discussed;
  • Five key words;
  • A short biography of a maximum of 25 words.

Please submit your proposal to, with the subject: ‘MES2014 Poster’.

Conference Papers

MES2014 invites presentations of original pedagogic / educational research in the broad fields of creative, arts and media education. These papers should share the outcomes of a research / practitioner enquiry, raising questions for the audience to discuss.

We are now accepting abstracts of no more than 200 words (excluding references). Your abstract should be double-space and in Arial font no less than size 12. Submissions can be made in either a Word document or in RTF format.

The abstract must include:

  • A title of no more than 15 words which provides useful pointers on the key topics to be discussed;
  • A list of references at the end (a maximum of 5 texts and no fewer than 2 texts)
  • Five key words;
  • A short biography of a maximum of 35 words.

Please submit your abstract to, with the subject: ‘MES2014 Paper’.

MERJ Conversations

This strand of the conference offers a different platform for the exchange of research, practice and innovation in the broad field of creative, arts and media education. Presenters are asked to provide some preparatory material (of any kind) for delegates to access before the conference via the conference website.

During the session, presenters briefly summarise the key themes and questions arising from the material, followed by a chaired seminar-style discussion. Contributors to this strand are invited to write up and submit their work to the Media Education Research Journal for the issue following the Summit.

We are now accepting abstracts of no more than 200 words (excluding references). Your abstract should be double-space and in Arial font no less than size 12. Submissions can be made in either a Word document or in RTF format.

The abstract must include:

  • A title of no more than 15 words which provides useful pointers on the key topics to be discussed;
  • Information and guidance regarding the preparatory material;
  • Five key words;
  • A short biography of a maximum of 25 words.

Please submit your abstract to, with the subject: ‘MES2014 MERJ Conversation’.